Areas Served
Areas Served
AssumeList™ provides assumable loan data for the following counties and cities:
Don’t see your area?
Maricopa | Pima | Pinal |

Now Available! Search over 450,000 homes with assumable mortgages.
Alameda | Los Angeles | San Bernardino |
Butte | Madera | San Diego |
Contra Costa | Mariposa | San Luis Obispo |
Fresno | Mendocino | San Mateo |
Glenn | Merced | Santa Barbara* |
Imperial* | Monterey | Santa Clara |
Kern | Orange | Santa Cruz |
Kings* | Riverside | Tulare* |
Lake | San Benito | Ventura |

Adams | Douglas | Park |
Arapahoe | Elbert | Pueblo |
Boulder | El Paso | Teller |
Broomfield | Gilpin | Weld |
Clear Creek | Jefferson | |
Denver | Larimer |

All Counties and Cities |

Alachua | Lake | Pinellas |
Baker | Manatee | Polk |
Brevard | Marion | Putman |
Broward | Martin | St Johns |
Charlotte | Miami-Dade | St Lucie |
Clay | Okeechobee | Sarasota |
DeSoto | Orange | Seminole |
Duval | Osceola | Sumter |
Flagler | Palm Beach | Volusia |
Hillsborough | Pasco |

Now Available! Over 200,000 assumable properties searchable!
Banks | Forsyth | Newton |
Barrow | Franklin | Oconee |
Bartow | Fulton | Oglethorpe |
Butts | Gilmer | Paulding |
Carroll | Gordon | Pickens |
Chattooga | Greene | Polk |
Cherokee | Gwinnett | Putnam |
Clarke | Habersham | Rabun |
Clayton | Hall | Rockdale |
Cobb | Haralson | Spalding |
Coweta | Heard | Stephens |
Dawson | Henry | Towns |
DeKalb | Jackson | Union |
Douglas | Jasper | Walton |
Fannin | Lumpkin | White |
Fayette | Madison | |
Floyd | Morgan |

Bond | Edgar | Macoupin |
Boone | Effingham | Madison |
Bureau | Ford | McHenry |
Calhoun | Grundy | McLean |
Carroll | Iroquois | Montgomery |
Champaign | Jasper | Moultrie |
Christian | Jersey | Ogle |
Clark | Jo Daviess | Piatt |
Coles | Kane | Putnam |
Cook | Kankakee | Shelby |
Crawford | Kendall | Stephenson |
Cumberland | Lake | Vermilion |
De Witt | Lasalle | Whiteside |
Dekalb | Lee | Will |
Douglas | Livington | Winnebago |
DuPage | Macon |

All Counties and Cities |

Barnstable | Middlesex |
Bristol | Norfolk |
Essex | Plymouth |
Franklin | Suffolk |
Hampden | Worcester |
Hampshire |

Clark | Nye |
Lincoln | White Pine |

New Jersey
Burlington | Gloucester | Ocean |
Camden | Hunterdon | Salem |
Cumberland | Mercer | Somerset |

North Carolina
Alexander | Guilford | Rockingham |
Anson | Haywood | Rowan |
Buncombe | Henderson | Rutherford |
Burke | Iredell | Stanly |
Cabarrus | Lincoln | Stokes |
Caldwell | Madison | Surry |
Catawba | McDowell | Transylvania |
Cleveland | Mecklenburg | Union |
Davidson | Mitchell | Wilkes |
Davie | Montgomery | Yadkin |
Forsyth | Polk | Yancey |
Gaston | Randolph |

Adams | Delaware | Montgomery |
Berks | Franklin | Perry |
Bucks | Fulton | Philadelphia |
Centre | *Juniata | Schuylkill |
Chester | Lancaster | York |
Cumberland | Lebanon | |
Dauphin | *Mifflin |
*Juniata and Mifflin County coverage for active listings is limited to homes listed with BrightMLS only. AssumeList™ still provides access to all off-market homes with assumable loans in these counties.

South Carolina
Chester | Lancaster | York |

Now Available! Over 600,000 Assumable Homes Searchable!
Anderson | Eastland | Johnson | Rockwall |
Archer | Ellis | Jones | Runnels |
Atascosa | Erath | Karnes | San Saba |
Bastrop | Fannin | Kauffman | Shackelford |
Bee | Fayette | Kendell | Smith |
Bell | Fisher | Kleberg | Somervell |
Bexar | Fort Bend | La Salle | Stephens |
Blanco | Franklin | Lamar | Stonewall |
Bosque | Freestone | Lampasas | Tarrant |
Brazoria | Frio | Lee | Taylor |
Brown | Galveston | Limestone | Throckmorton |
Burnet | Gillespie | Live Oak | Tom Green |
Caldwell | Gonzales | Llano | Travis |
Callahan | Grayson | McLellan | Uvalde |
Chambers | Guadalupe | McMullen | Van Zandt |
Clay | Hamilton | Medina | Waller |
Coleman | Harris | Milam | Wichita |
Collin | Haskell | Montague | Williamson |
Comal | Hays | Montgomery | Wilson |
Comanche | Henderson | Navarro | Wise |
Cooke | Hill | Nolan | Wood |
Dallas | Hood | Nueces | Young |
Delta | Hopkins | Palo Pinto | |
Denton | Hunt | Parker | |
Duval | Jack | Rains |

Northern & Central Virginia
Alexandria City | Fauquier | Prince William |
Arlington | Fredericksburg | Rappahannock |
Caroline | King George | Stafford |
Clarke | Louisa | Spotsylvania |
Culpeper | Loudoun | Warren |
Fairfax City | Manassas City | Westmoreland |
Fairfax | Manassas Park | |
Falls Church City | Orange |
Shenandoah Valley
Frederick | Shenandoah |
Page | Winchester City |
Hampton Roads
Chesapeake City | Norfolk City | Virginia Beach |
Hampton City | Poquoson City | Williamsburg City |
Isle of Wight | Portsmouth City | York |
James City | Southampton | |
Newport News | Suffolk City |

Washington D.C.
All Areas |

West Virginia
Berkeley | Hardy | Morgan |
Grant | Jefferson | Pendleton |
Hampshire | Mineral |

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